Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Irish Seal Sanctuary

Hi Everybody!

This is the first post of the Irish Seal Sanctuary Blog. We are based in Garristown, Co. Dublin and work to protect marine wildlife (especially seals!) around our coast. We rehabilitate injured and orphaned seals and undertake fund raising and educational activities to raise awareness of their plight. We receive no government funding and the sanctuary is run by people who contribute their time voluntarily. The sanctuary was founded by Brendan Price who works tirelessly to promote the conservation of marine wildlife and biodiversity. To learn more about the work of the sanctuary visit our website at www.irishsealsanctuary.ie.

More to follow...



Anonymous said...

Hi Katie, Well done on starting up the blog! It's 9pm and the volunteers, in their smelly overalls, are just locking up the seal kitchen. The seals, including Ronnie, are resting for the night.
All is quiet but for the sound of the fountains running in the pools.
Sonya and Anne Marie are beside me and are going to say hello! So I'll leave you at that and just let you know that 'Ron', the ISS newsletter, will be out next week.

Anonymous said...

I am Annemarie from Germany. I volunteer at the Irish Seal Sanctuary for three months. It's great here. The people are very nice. You meet everyday new people. When you work here you come around in Ireland. You have to drive to many places which are far away to release seals or pick them up. It's great!

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody!!
Just a note to say that the Irish seal santuary is an amazing example of what can be a achieved with determination and goodwill!!
Keep up the great work everybody... even though your fingers may feel like theyr gonna freeze off tis worth it n sure ya still av 9 more!!

Irish Seals said...

Everyone is totally frustrated at the absence of development of the Marine Conservation Centre. We have used up all our resources thinking we were moving soon, now we are faced with another season(s) and don't know how we will do it. Get Fingal to get building! Balbriggan needs tourism, we can attract it. Conferences, symposiums, training courses, research opportunities etc...have Fingal no imagination as to what this can be? Meanwhile Garristown is now too small, too remote and too ill equipped to do justice to the opportunites the ISS offers.

Irish Seals said...

im Nicola, from just across the water (Wales) and i was a full time volunteer at the iss from aug til early nov, hopefully i'll be back in Jan!! Just thought id leave a quick message to you all just to say thank you all for making me feel so welcome and giving me the opportunity of a life time! The whole experience emotionally and physically not just on us but the seals too! to getting them to the point they are ready for release and seeing them go is something that will always be near to my heart as will you all be. keep up the good work guys!
much love Nicola xx

Anonymous said...

Hello every seal savers and wildlife protector, I am Laurence from france, I volunteer at the ISS for the 2007-08 season, 7 months being around amazing people and lovely seals. I miss it a lot and will come back one day. Now I am working with other marine specie (mexican turtles), working at the ISS helped me a lot handling wild animals and learning usefull knowledge about everything and anything.
We need all of us to help this planet and her living creatures getting a safe and healthy habitat. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

On Tuesday 25th November, I got a call from Lynn at the Seal Sanctuary asking me to check on a seal on Bray beach. Andrew, the man who had called the Sanctuary was still with the seal, waiting for me. I had a look at it and the poor thing was covered in blood down it's chest, so I rang Lynn again and recommended they come to pick it up. It took Lynn and Laura about an hour and a half to get to Bray, so my boyfriend and I were freezing on the beach! Never mind.

The little seal (I named it Bray as I'm so imaginative!), I am reliably informed is doing quite well. It has lungworm but has had some treatment and will hopefully continue to do well until it can be released in the near future.

Unknown said...

Hi Katie

Thanks for the tour today.
Brian is the proud first and youngest foster-dad of an Irish seal

We hope "eelbum" is keeping well

Bas [url=http://photoalbum.de-ridder.info/v/family1/brian/month17/]Brian[/url] & Niamh